Workshop on “Feminist Food Movements” with Renata Motta, Marco Teixeira and Janet Conway
Renata Motta and Marco Antonio Teixeira, Food for Justice`s project leaders, met Prof. Janet Conway, Food for Justice`s senior research fellow and Professor of Sociology at Brock University, Canada, to discuss the agenda on feminist food movements. The event, named “Workshop on Feminists’ Food Movements”, focused on debating the Marcha das Margaridas’ case study and took place at the Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies – HCIAS at the Universität Heidelberg, from October 20 to 22. Besides evaluating the work already done on the Marcha das Margaridas, the researchers discussed and planned new field research, scheduled to take place in August 2023, when the Marcha das Margaridas will hold a national mobilization.