
Associated Researchers

Aline Borghoff Maia

since July 2019

Social scientist, PhD student in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society

Collective action, rural social movements, land and socio-environmental conflicts, legal sociology and rural education

Mariana Calcagni

since June 2020

PhD Researcher, DAAD Scholarship, Sociologist, M.Sc Environmental Governance

Environmental sociology, environmental governance, social inequalities, feminism, territorial development

Melissa Luciana de Araújo

since August 2019

Nutritionist, PhD-Student in Health and Nutrition, MSc. in Health and Nursing (UFMG), Researcher of the AUÊ/UFMG Urban Agriculture Study Group and member of the GEPPAAS

Food and Nutritional Security, Food Systems, Agroecology and Urban Agriculture

Thalita Kalix Garcia Santana

since January 2020

Doctoral Researcher Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work

Food movements, Food Heritage, Slow Food, Brazil, Germany

Nicolas Goez

since April 2019

Researcher and Lecturer at the Chair of Urban Studies and Social Research of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism – Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Socio-spatial research. Currently working on urbanization and alternative local food systems

Federico Masson

since June 2020

PhD Researcher, Social anthropologist, M.A. in European Studies

SoLaWi, Organic Farming, (EU) Policy, Discourse Analysis – Case Study CSA

Prof. Dr. Larissa Loures Mendes

since August 2019

Nutritionist, PhD in Nursing, Professor at the Department of Nutrition of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) – Brazil, Leader of the Group of Studies, Research and Practices in Food Environment and Health (GEPPAAS)

Nutrition, Epidemiology and Public Health

Prof. Dr. Milene Cristine Pessoa

since August 2019

Nutritionist, PhD in Nursing, Professor at the Department of Nutrition of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) – Brazil, Leader of the Group of Studies, Research and Practices in Food Environment and Health (GEPPAAS)

Nutrition, Epidemiology and Public Health

Felipe Hernández Crespo

since May 2024

M.A. in Sociology (FU Berlin). Research Coordinator. Project funded by the German Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ

Socioecological Tranformations, Economies of the Coca Leaf, Alternative Food Systems, Urban-Rural Linkages, Intersectionality, Environmental Peacebuilding

Visiting Researchers

Thalita Kalix Garcia Santana

June 2023 –  August 2023

Doctoral Researcher Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work

Food movements, Food Heritage, Slow Food, Brazil, Germany.

Claudia Schmidt

April 2023 – July 2023

Senior researcher. Sociologist and Associate Professor at the Graduate Program in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (CPDA/UFRRJ).

Mariana Calcagni

July 2022-Sept 2022

PhD Researcher, DAAD Scholarship, Sociologist, M.Sc Environmental Governance

Environmental sociology, environmental governance, social inequalities, feminism, territorial development.

Dr. Janet Conway

May 2022 – July 2022

Senior researcher fellow. Professor of Sociology at Brock University. Nancy Rowell Jackman Chair in Women’s Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University.

Global justice movements, transnational feminisms, Indigenous activisms, tensions between the politics of difference and solidarity, and the problem of colonial difference in social justice movements.

Dr. Sabrina Fonseca Borges Fernandes

November 2021 – October 2022

Post-doctoral researcher of the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-strategies (IRGAC) of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung in partnership with the Graduate Program in Sociology of the University of Brasília (UnB).

Political ecology, anti-ecological authoritarianism and processes of resistance, with a special focus on Brazil.

ENF. MPH. Juan Camilo Calderón Farfán

May 2021-June 2021

PhD candidate at Universidad Surcolombiana, Programa de Enfermería, Facultad de Salud

Intercultural health, health inequalities in minority groups and differentiated health policies

Mariana Hase Ueta

September 2020 – January 2021

PhD Candidate in the Social Science Program, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. BA in Social Science (UNICAMP) and MA in Sociology at Fudan University, China.

Food Consumption and Environmental Values, Youth, Global South, Intergenerational Change, Meat, Vegetarianism/Veganism, Sustainability

Thalita Kalix Garcia Santana

January – June 2020

Doctoral Researcher Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work

Food movements, Food Heritage, Slow Food, Brazil, Germany

Associated Projects and Institutions

  • Bioeconomy as a societal change (BMBF Bioeconomy)

  • Forschungszentrum Brasilien – Centro de pesquisas brasileiras (FZB)

  • Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung (Ipb)

  • 1st MIMIMI-Space Berlin 2020 – Racism in Dance between life and stage (MIMIMI-Space)

  • Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

  • Instituto Fome Zero

    Instituto fome zero
  • Centro de Estudos da Metrópole (CEM)

    Centro de estudos da metrópole