
FFJ plans protest survey at big demonstration of the Agricultural Diesel Action Week 2024

Upcoming Monday, January 15, 2024, we will conduct a survey with a team of interviewers at the big demonstration of the Action Week on Agricultural Diesel and Vehicle Tax Exemption in Berlin.

We want to find out more about the motivations and demands of the protesters and their social movements, organizations and associations. We want to understand the farmers’ visions for the future and at the same time highlight the heterogeneity in agricultural production and on the farms.

In this year’s survey of the walking demonstration, we will be using a random selection principle that has long been applied in protest research and has been used in particular by the Institute for Protest and Movement Research (IPB), with whom we are also cooperating on this survey.

The data will be analyzed by us and published as a data set at the end of the research project in 2025. It will then be available for download together with the questionnaire and a codebook. We will publish the link on our website at the end of the project. This will make it possible to compare the demonstration with other protests. We will publish a brief analysis of the survey in early summer of this year.