
Literary Contest: Chronicles of Hunger

The Fome Zero Institute (Instituto Fome Zero – IFZ) announces its first campaign to raise funds for actions against hunger in an innovative way: by organizing a literary contest in which those interested in supporting the campaign against hunger can send chronicles that narrate the problem of hunger aggravated by the pandemic.

Hunger Chronicles – Crônicas da Fome
Image Credit: Instituto Fome Zero

All texts submitted by supporters will be included in an e-book that will serve as a document for posterity. Once ready, the digital file will be sent directly to the supporters of the campaign and then made available free of charge by IFZ on its official website.

In addition, thirty of the texts will be chosen by writers Frei Betto, Conceição Evaristo, and Eleonora Lucena to be part of a collection to be published as a printed book with a special design. All copies will be donated to libraries around the country. They will also select the three best texts, which will receive R$1,500, R$1,000, and R$500, respectively.

To learn how to participate in the campaign against hunger and submit your chronicle, visit the project’s official page on Catarse!