
LASA Panel GEN 418 In and Beyond Popular Feminisms: Ruralities and natural ressources (Part 1)

  • Chair: Hillary C. Hiner (Universidad Diego Portales)
  • Discussant: Kiran Asher (University of Massachusetts)
  • Session Organizer: Nathalie Lebon (Gettysburg College)
  • Lajan lajan ‘aytik ou do caminhar em pares na luta das mulheres Zapatistas
      Lia Pinheiro Barbosa (Universidade Estadual do Ceará)
  • Feminist solidarities and coalitional identity: the popular feminism of the Marcha das Margaridas
      Renata Motta (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Perched on a Parched Hill: Mujeres Populares, Popular Feminism and the Struggle for Water in Medellin, Colombia
      Carolina Arango-Vargas (Drew University)

This double panel shares the lessons learned from papers to be published in an upcoming Thematic Issue of Latin American Perspectives on the past, present, and future of Popular Feminisms. Collectively, these papers document, historicize, problematize, and theorize contemporary practices of popular feminisms in relation to the politics of feminism, the left, ‘race’ and the decolonial in the region, and the transnationalization of popular movements and progressive political projects. These papers also complicate narratives of movements’ relationships to institutions and highlight the challenges and opportunities resulting from translocalization. They deepen our understanding of the need for intersectional organizing and chart the challenges and paths taken by popular movements working beyond gender-class, to center race, rurality, indigeneity and coloniality in their efforts to deepen democracy. All these questions are of pressing importance, both theoretically and politically, to the progressive movements seeking to address the deep social, cultural, and economic inequalities and threats to people’s lives and well-being in the region. Panel One focuses on organizing by women in rural settings or around ecological/natural resources. Scholarship on popular feminist struggles has tended to privilege urban settings, limiting attention to women’s struggles in rural settings. Tied to the erasure of rurality in social movement scholarship, is also arguably the lack of attention to Indigenous women’s organizing. These papers start filling these gaps, highlighting the relation between race, class, and the decolonial in gender-class feminism, and by extension the broader left.

Thursday 27 May – 1:00 PM – 2:45 PM (Eastern Time (US & Canada))