Deutscher Kongress für Geographie
Lea Zentgraf and Renata Motta will participate in the Deutscher Kongress für Geographie in Frankfurt am Main. There will be two talks following the series of “Transformation processes from a rural justice perspective”.
The first presentation is “We are fed up! Peasants and urban allies struggling for agrarian and food change” and it will be presented by both researchers. On the streets, a demonstration against the dominant agrarian policy is held: Wir haben es Satt! A coalition of organized civil society and social movements, including movements for small farmers and peasants, environmentalists, advocates for human rights, and development organizations, is in charge of its organization. This coalition is unique because it bridges divides between cities and rural areas in a variety of ways: in the coalitions’ organizations, the demographics on the street protest, the action repertoires, and the forms of injustice in the agricultural system and on the political agenda that they denounce. Renata Motta and Lea Zentgraf will use the concept of food inequalities to examine the multidimensional, intersectional, multiscale, and dynamic inequalities in the food system in their first panel, drawing on literature on food studies, social movements, and global entangled inequalities.
For more information about the first panel click here.
The second presentation is “Food in political! Food movements and their demands for a more sustainable and socially just food system” and it will be introduced by Lea Zentgraf.
The empirical case of the Berlin Food Council is discussed in this panel, which provides fascinating perspectives for debating theories from critical geography, food studies, and sustainability research with feminist concepts of care and spatial relations. The Food Council is dedicated to a democratic, just, and sustainable food system in the here and now and in the future, based on concrete and local practices. It is a significant actor in the social mobilization around food justice in Germany.
For more information about the second panel click here.
- Participants: Renata Motta and Lea Zentgraf
- Organising institutions: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie und die Institute für Humangeographie sowie Physische Geographie der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Dates: September 19-23
- Time & location: To be confirmed | Frankfurt am Main