Food for Justice continues in spite of Coronavirus and new workflow
The current situation marked by the pandemic of the novel corona virus SARS-CoV-2 fundamentally shapes and influences our research topic. Social movements take place in new formations, food networks are of new significance and the socio-political interrelations are transforming domestically as well as between Germany and Brazil. We are progressively adjusting the research project and are approaching this global crisis from an intersectional and socio-political perspective. As the Freie Universität Berlin supports society’s efforts to decelerate the spread of the virus by reducing social contacts, we had to find new ways of working together. Fortunately, the variety of online programmes and tools to communicate from our home offices is vast and we adapted quite quickly to the new working situation. Nevertheless, the pandemic also affects all of us on a very personal level. We are facing a time where we must carry out care-work, social life and the paid job at the same time in the same space, which transpired to be the most challenging task so far. Two of our members are in Brazil, where they intended to collect data, planned field work trips and wanted to participate in different events over the course of two months. As many others, they now face difficulties to return to Germany. They have signed up to the ELEFAND program (Elektronische Erfassung von Deutschen im Ausland) and we hope to welcome them back (obviously only virtually) in Berlin soon.