Lea Zentgraf participates in #4GenderStudies Science Days
Lea Zentgraf participated in the #4GenderStudies Science Days from 12. – 18.12.2022 in cooperation with the Margherita von Brentano Center. The MvBZ created a video series on YouTube in which researchers show the diversity and importance of gender studies. The goal is to make gender studies more publicly accessible as gender studies have been under several forms of attacks.
The #4GenderStudies Science Day was created as a reaction to the devaluation of the transdisciplinary field of gender studies as a whole, the attacks on individual gender researchers and the attacks in social media. The idea was to make publicly visible how exciting, diverse, and scientifically excellent gender research is, and that as a critical science it focuses on important problems and real phenomena.
Watch Lea Zentgraf’s video contribution here.