
Felipe Hernández Crespo Joins FFJ as Associated Researcher

We are pleased to announce that Felipe Hernández Crespo has joined the Food for Justice (FFJ) team as an Associated Researcher starting in May 2024. Felipe, who holds an M.A. in Sociology from FU Berlin, will be coordinating the project “Alternative Economies of the Coca Leaf for a Just and Peaceful Transition: Political and Environmental Impact of Indigenous Women in Northern Cauca,” funded by the German-Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ).

The project focuses on participatory research and mapping of alternative economies of the coca leaf and aims to contribute to environmental peacebuilding in the indigenous territories of Northern Cauca. Felipe will be collaborating closely with Dr. Marco Antonio Teixeira, Project Leader of the “Food for Justice: Power, Politics, and Food Inequalities in a Bioeconomy” Research Group. The project is supported by key organizations in Colombia including Corporación de Apoyo a Comunidades Populares (Codacop), Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN), and Universidad del Rosario.
