Food for Justice Talks – Winter semester 2022/23 (Virtual Debate Series)
Food for Justice will hold several virtual online debates this winter semester 2022/23 during the next couple of weeks as part of the Food for Justice Talks – Series. We invited several guests to present and discuss research on food, inequalities and food systems in Latin America and Europe.
The event series takes place Wednesdays at 4 pm.
Márcia Tait – Campinas University, Brazil
Crise climática, alimentar y Ecofeminismos: es posible crear salidas y alianzas con la práxis de los colectivos de mujeres latinoamericanas?
November 9, 2022 – Register here
Luisa Pieper – University Göttingen, Germany
“Marry a farmer or win the lottery” The (im)possibilities of accessing a farm as a woman – qualitative results from the first nationwide study of women on farms in Germany.
November 30, 2022 – Register here
Daniela Silva – Collaborator of the Brazilian Semiarid Articulation
Convivência com o semiárido: desafíos para construção de territórios saudáveis e sustentáveis em tempos de pandemia.
December 14, 2022 – Register here
Wiebke Nowack – Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Social Dimenstions of Agricultural Multifunctionality in the context of structural change.
January 11, 2022 – Register here
All events have limited availability. So please register for the events ahead. They will all take place online via Webex.