Presentation of book “CONTAG 1963-2023: Ações de Reprodução Social e Formas de Ações Coletivas” by Marco Teixeira in Rio de Janeiro
The book presentation will take place in Sala Olavo Brasil along with a discussion led by Prof. José Maurcio Domingues and with Marco Antonio Teixeira, Alejandra Estevez (ICHS-UFF), Leonilde Medeiros (CPDA-UFRRJ), Mazé Morais (Contag and Marcha das Margaridas), and Prof. Breno Bringel on May 12th at 16:30. The event is organised by NETSAL in partnership with Food for Justice, the Centre for Ibero-American Studies at the University of Heidelberg (HCIAS), the National Training School of CONTAG (ENFOC) and Mórula Editorial.
The work systematizes the 60 years of Contag and offers a reflection on the performance of social movements from the historical journey of Contag, highlighting the various circumstances throughout this time and the various forms of action of the confederation, whose actions have always sought to be guided by broad, plural dialogue but without affecting precision. The doctoral thesis was supervised by Professor Breno Bringel and was awarded the Maria de Nazareth Baudel Wanderley Award.

Date and location
- May 12th | 16h30
- Sala Olavo Brasil, Rio de Janeiro.
The event will be in Portuguese.
Click here for live streaming.

For more information click here.