International Research Lecture by the University of Chile
The Faculty of Government of the University of Chile is organizing a public lecture titled “Luchando contra las desigualdades interseccionales de la alimentación, construyendo la alimentación como teias de vida” presented by Renata Motta. The lecture will focus on the role of social movements and food initiatives in fighting inequalities in the food system. The research paper presented will be “Social movements as agents of change: Fighting intersectional food inequalities, building food as webs of life”.
Motta argues that these social movements offer a productive analytical lens to observe social change because they identify injustices and dynamics of inequalities in the food system and are actively engaged in transforming them. Alternative local food initiatives react to the environmental impacts of globalized food relations; food sovereignty movements highlight class inequalities and power asymmetries in the food system that affect people’s rights to culturally appropriate foodways; food justice movements denounce institutional racism; feminist movements fight persistent gender inequalities from food production to consumption; vegan movements defend animal rights. These are often mapped onto different world regions, with food justice movements more present in the US; food sovereignty movements louder in the Global South; feminist food movements more active in Latin America; and local food movements commonly in the Global North. This article brings together diverse strands of activism and research on social inequalities related to food under the conceptual umbrella of food inequalities. In addition to concept building, it contributes to a sociology of food studies by mapping the geopolitics of knowledge about social change behind the growing mobilization around food issues.

The conference will be held online at 6:00 UTC+ | 12:00 GMT-3. You can access to the paper here.
In order to participate, please register here.
- Date: Wednesday, January 24
- Location: Online
- Time: 16:00 UTC+ | 12:00 GMT-3
- Language: Spanish