
Working Paper Series 13: Food Initiatives by FARC Ex-Combatants: Promoting Peacebuilding and Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages in Colombia

The Working Paper 13, titled “Promoting Peacebuilding and Strengthening Urban-Rural Linkages in Colombia” explores how food initiatives led by FARC ex-combatants contribute to peacebuilding and strengthen urban-rural linkages in Colombia.

The study investigates the motivations behind ex-combatants’ involvement in food initiatives, examines the connection between economic reincorporation and peacebuilding, and analyses how food acts as a bridge, materialising peace between urban and rural communities. Using a multi-method approach, this paper provides an overview of FARC’s political trajectory and maps the landscape of ex-combatant food initiatives.

Findings indicate that ex-combatants often view food-related projects as integral to economic reincorporation. It moreover emphasises the importance of urban-rural linkages in shaping collective reincorporation processes.

You can find the Working Paper here.