
From the transformations of production and consumption relations to the global agri-food question

As part of the ninth meeting of the Rural Studies Network, the leader of Food for Justice, Renata Motta, will participate in the round table on October 6th: “From the transformations of production and consumption relations to the global agri-food question.”

The dynamics of development, commodification, and financialization of nature’s goods are generally associated with commodity production, productive intensification and specialization, circulation in long chains, and agroindustrial concentration. In counterpoint to the agrifood issues arising from these dynamics, actors, social movements, and alternative agrifood networks resignify tradition, territories, social relations, and food in search of strategies for living, resistance, and the construction of sustainable food systems.
Far from essentialist trajectories, these dynamics are relational, permeated by processes of reaction, appropriation, and conventionalization. Considering this context, this panel aims to discuss the contemporary transformations and dynamics of production and consumption relations and their repercussions for the rural world.How to discuss the social representations of food risk that express the ethical, social, and environmental values that shape global food practices based on little information, general ignorance, and the poverty of the population?

The panel will be coordinated by Cimone Rozendo (PRODEMA/PPGS – UFRN) and will count, besides Prof. Renata Motta, with the participation of Silvio Porto (UFRB); Fatima Portilho (CPDA – UFRRJ); and Paulo Niederle (UFRGS). The discussion is scheduled to start at 2 pm, Brasília time (7 pm in Germany).

To follow the event, which will be broadcast live, please visit the Rural Studies Network YouTube channel!