Políticas de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional nos Municípios Brasileiros
This publication records the central ideas that emerged from the self-organized activity “Food and nutrition security policy at municipal level: context and opportunities”, held virtually at the 5th National Research Meeting on Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security (V ENPSSAN, 2022). Guaranteeing the Human Right to Adequate Food and the scope of public policies on Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) necessarily involve recognizing the central role of municipalities in implementing actions and building local dialogues, in an integrated manner with other public authorities and government areas, as proposed by the National FNS System. In the debate, reflections emerged on monitoring population food security/insecurity, definitions and concepts associated with public FNS policies, reports of municipal experiences, as well as opportunities for resuming and strengthening FNS policies in municipalities. The debate gave rise to reflections on monitoring population food security/insecurity, definitions and concepts associated with public FNS policies, reports of municipal experiences, as well as highlighting opportunities for resuming and strengthening FNS policies in municipalities. Eight potential approaches were identified to contribute to the field of research on FNS public policies in the municipal context: participatory governance; territorial diversity and the rural-urban relationship; institutionalization; civil society action; intersectionality; scales and different spatialities; interface with the socio-ecological agenda; and state capacities. Finally, it also identified issues and challenges for the effectiveness of municipal FNS policies. This document brings collective contributions to the different windows of opportunity currently facing the various social actors involved in municipal FNS policies. In this regard, we highlight the resumption of the public agenda guided and strengthened by the federal government (from 2023), the resumption of the national CONSEA, and the occurrence of municipal elections in 2024.