Release of Thematic Section and Two Articles on ‘Rural Workers’ Unionism in Brazil: Transformations, Continuities, and the 60 Years of Contag’
Food for Justice is excited to announce the publication of three significant contributions that delve into the intricacies of rural unionism in Brazil. These publications, featured in the special section “Sindicalismo de Trabalhadores(as) Rurais no Brasil: Transformações, Permanências e os 60 Anos da Contag,” are organized by Marco Antonio Teixeira from the University of Heidelberg and Priscila Delgado from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro.
These three publications offer comprehensive insights into the dynamic landscape of rural unionism in Brazil. Of particular significance is the exploration of the emergence of ‘young rural women workers’ as a distinct political category, as discussed in Eryka Galindo’s article.
These studies not only contribute to the understanding of the Brazilian unionism sphere but also resonate with broader movements like the Marcha das Margaridas. The research critically engages with issues central to the Marcha das Margaridas, providing a valuable resource for those interested in the intersection of gender, generation, and class within the context of rural workers’ struggles.
These are the titles of the mentioned publications:
- Thematic section: “Sindicalismo de Trabalhadores(as) rurais no Brasil: transformações, permanências e os 60 anos da Contag” by Marco Antonio Teixeira, Priscila Delgado de Carvalho
- “Estudos sobre Sindicalismo Rural no Brasil: Transformações, Permanências e os 60 Anos da Contag” by Marco Antonio Teixeira, Priscila Delgado de Carvalho
- “Mulheres Jovens Trabalhadoras Rurais: A Emergência de Uma Nova Categoria Política e Suas Repercussões no Sindicalismo Rural” by Eryka Galindo
Click here to view the publications.