Berliner Blätter • 2022
“Wir haben es satt!”: Politisch-ökologische Ernährungskoalition
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais • 2022
Estudando as ações dos movimentos rurais na pandemia: escolhas metodológicas
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais • 2022
Sistemas Alimentares em Disputa: respostas dos movimentos sociais à pandemia Covid-19
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar como ativismos rurais no Brasil reagiram à pandemia da Covid-19. Para tanto, mapeamos as ações das principais organizações que congregam agricultores familiares e camponeses no país, nos primeiros sete meses da pandemia, de março a setembro de 2020: Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Rurais Agricultores e Agricultoras Familiares (Contag), Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras na Agricultura Familiar do Brasil (Contraf-Brasil), Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA) e Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST). As fontes de dados são notícias publicadas nos sites de cada organização. Para entender como a pandemia impactou algumas de suas práticas pré-existentes, propomos uma tipologia composta por cinco formas de ação: doação, interpelação institucional, criação de mercados alternativos, ação direta, e ação informacional.
American Journal of Sociology • 2022
Book review: Seeds of Power – Environmental Injustice and Genetically Modified Soybeans in Argentina
Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia • 2022
Brasil, do flagelo da fome ao futuro agroecológico – Uma análise do desmonte das políticas públicas federais e a agroecologia como alternativa
The National Articulation of Agroecology (ANA) is a space for interaction and construction of learning and political convergence that involves movements, networks and civil society organizations engaged in concrete experiences of promoting agroecology in Brazil. Among other action fronts, ANA plays a role in building political unity for incidence in spaces of dialogue between society and the State at its different levels, seeking to influence the creation and improvement of public policies aimed at promoting agroecology in its multiple dimensions and guaranteeing food and nutritional sovereignty and security. Within this field of action, ANA launched the national mobilization campaign entitled Agroecology in Elections 2022. The initiative aims to project the proposals of the agroecological field in the electoral debate. This is expected to increase support for agroecology by growing segments of society and to gain the commitment of candidates for executive and legislative positions at state and federal levels. Developed in a decentralized way in all states of the country, the action is composed of a set of mobilization initiatives, all articulated in communication actions aimed at giving wide dissemination and reach to the proposals. The first of these was the elaboration of a Letter of Commitment with proposals for candidates in the 2022 elections. This document has the function of subsidizing the debates and constituting a reference for the dialogue with candidates in activities such as campaign rallies and acts in all the states of the federation.