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Our Publications

Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura magazine • 2023

Estudos sobre sindicalismo rural no Brasil: transformações, permanências e os 60 anos da Contag


This work analyzes the field of studies on rural unionism in Brazil and is divided into two parts. In the first part, we examine key events and studies on the trajectory of rural unionism, with a focus on the experience of Contag. In doing so, we introduce the articles that make up this thematic section. We cover the following themes: dictatorship and transitional justice; local-level performance; multiplication of political subjects in the Brazilian rural context and union pluralism; land conflicts; family farming, public policies, and the relationship between unionism and the state; strengthening of minority groups within unionism. In the second part, we revisit some of the main theoretical perspectives that have marked union studies in Brazil. From this, we suggest incorporating new important approaches, especially in the last two decades, although in a preliminary synthesis that requires further exploration.

Priscila Delgado de Carvalho, Marco Antonio Teixeira

Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura magazine • 2023

Sindicalismo de Trabalhadores(as) rurais no Brasil: transformações, permanências e os 60 anos da Contag


Published in the journal “Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura,” the Thematic Section “Rural Workers’ Unionism in Brazil: Transformations, Continuities, and the 60 years of Contag,” organized by Marco Antonio Teixeira (University of Heidelberg, Germany) and Priscila Delgado (Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro).

Priscila Delgado de Carvalho, Marco Antonio Teixeira

Organization Alan Dutra Cardoso, Márcia Motta, Marina Machado, and Reynaldo Pessôa • 2023

“Marcha das Margaridas” entry in “Novo Dicionário da Terra”


The book “Novo Dicionário da Terra” addresses the importance of the social sciences in the analysis and proposal of public policies for the Brazilian rural universe. It reflects on the country’s contradictions and its recent history, highlighting political challenges and setbacks. The authors emphasize the society’s resistance in defense of issues such as land concentration and inequality and call for preserving national science and learning from Brazil’s history. The entry “Marcha das Margaridas” (March of the Daisies) was written by Marco Antônio Teixeira and Renata Motta, contributing to the richness and diversity of the book’s content.

Marco Antonio Teixeira, Renata Motta

Folha de S. Paulo • 2023

A luta das Margaridas


The article explores the March of the Daisies, a historic mobilization held on August 15th and 16th, which brought together over 100,000 courageous women from all over Brazil in Brasília. Led by rural workers, the march is a significant event in Latin America, addressing crucial issues such as hunger, territorial threats, violence, and inequalities, while also seeking visionary solutions for comprehensive and impactful social transformation. The article is available in the opinion section of Folha de S. Paulo.

Renata Motta, Marco Antonio Teixeira, Eryka Galindo

AK Feministische Geographien • 2023

Blogbeitrag: Fem Geo Rundmail Nr. 93

Alina Gombert, Lea Zentgraf